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Struggling With Loose Dentures?


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New Lenox & Mokena Dental Services

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Providing Gentle Dental Care

Patterson Dental Center has been providing quality dental care to Mokena and New Lenox residents for decades. From general dentistry services, such as x-rays and checkups, to cosmetic dentistry services, including dental crowns and veneers, our dental care team is able to properly care for your teeth and gums. We are dedicated to ensuring that your smile will shine brightly for years to come. Scheduling regular check-ups are the best defense against tartar buildup and gingivitis. To schedule an appointment, contact us at 708-479-5865 for our Mokena office and 815-463-5865 for our New Lenox office. We offer a variety of high-quality dental services, including:

A Proud Provider of Invisalign® Clear Aligners

Patterson Dental and Invisalign logo

Unlock Your Brightest Smile With Our Teeth Whitening Program

senior couple on a walk

Providing Dental Care That You Can Trust

Have you been avoiding the dentist due to fears of pain and discomfort? Rest assured that our team at Patterson Dental Center makes your comfort our top priority. We have years of experience in treating patients of all ages, creating an office space that is welcoming and inviting. Throughout your dental procedure, our team will maintain continuous communication with you to make sure that any discomfort and pain is held to a minimum.

5 teens smiling

Personalized Dental Service

In order to make your entire experience with us pleasurable and stress-free, we offer many unique qualities, such as:

  • Modern, state of the art dental equipment
  • Convenient hours at two different locations
  • Accepting most insurance policies
  • Welcoming new patients and their families
  • Walking you through every procedure so that you can make a well-informed decision
  • Providing care that is personalized and gentle
  • Offering free consultations for dental procedures

Schedule Exceptional Dental Care

Two Convenient Locations

We have offices in Mokena and New Lenox, IL.


19721 S Wolf Road
Mokena, IL 60448

New Lenox

2073 E Laraway Road
New Lenox, IL 60451


Patterson Dental Group-Mokena, Wolf Road, Mokena, IL, USA

New Lennox

Patterson Dental Group-New Lenox, East Laraway Road, New Lenox, IL, USA

We Help You Afford the Care You Need and Deserve!

Patterson Dental Center accepts most major dental insurance plans, and will work with you to help you understand your benefits.


CareCredit logo and button

We Accept All Major Credit Cards

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